CDR-Life Enters Research Collaboration with University Hospital Zurich
October 28, 2019 8:39 amZURICH, Switzerland, October 28, 2019 – CDR-Life inc. has entered a research collaboration with Prof. Markus G. Manz, MD, Head of Medical Oncology and Hematology at University Hospital and University of Zurich, to further test CDR-Life’s trispecific antibodies on primary cancer patient tissue.
The collaboration will combine strong clinical know-how and patient sample access at the University Hospital with CDR-Life’s deep expertise in developing unconventional antibody- based therapies.
“CDR-Life’s trispecific LocATE antibodies are potentially transformative in the field of immunotherapies,” said Prof. Manz. “We are looking forward to help validate the promise of this novel approach.”
“Patient ex vivo testing has been shown to be highly predictive of clinical outcome” said Leonardo Borras, Chief Science Officer at CDR-Life. “Access to world-class expertise and real patient samples for testing our novel antibodies is very powerful.”
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